Surgery leads to a complex number of physiological responses which can have adaptive and maladaptive effects. These include a number of neurological, hormonal, metabolic and immunological changes to the trauma of surgery. Similar changes are found in response to other ‘insults’ such as severe trauma, infection and extreme exercise.. In many cases these responses can cause problems, and an understanding of them and how to approach them is essential for anaesthesia. An increased focus on this is a key part of the enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) approach.
The trigger is primarily from the insult itself. Nociceptive stimuli from the site of injury will be transmitted via the somatic and autonomic nervous system, to higher brain centres. Local changes, such as cytokine production may also play a role in the trigger of the stress response, with IL1 and IL6 being recognised. . Much of the stress response is orchestrated by the hypothalamus, which leads a number of the hormonal changes through the hypothalamic-pituitary-organ axis. The sympathetic nervous system is also activated in this way.
Sympathetic Nervous System
The sympathetic arm of the autonomic nervous system has a significant role in the stress response. Many of these effects can be seen as initially adaptive to deal with the consequences of trauma. It is stimulated by:
Hypotension - mediated by baroreceptors
Hypothalamus directly
The response includes:
Alpha 1 adrenoceptor effects
Vasoconstriction (peripheral and splanchnic)
GI smooth muscle relaxation
Beta adrenoceptor effects
Increased inotropy
Metabolic effects
Overall effects include:
Increased cardiac output
Renin-angiotensin system activation
Salt/water retention
Elevated glucose, lactate and fatty acid levels
Increased glucagon release
The overall metabolic picture is one of substrate mobilisation to provide the body’s tissues with ample resources to deal with the trauma. Some of the changes include:
Protein catabolism
Fat catabolism
Increased gluconeogenesis
Increased ketone production from fatty acid mobilisation
There are several drivers of these changes:
ACTH production increases
Increased levels of ACTH very rapidly after trauma
Stimulates increased production of cortisol from the adrenal cortex
Effects via insulin-like growth factors (particularly IGF-1)
More protective effect on protein catabolism
Anti-insulin effect, promote glucose as a substrate
Demonstrates an inappropriate response to hyperglycemia
Peripheral resistance and inhibition of release from other stress response arms e.g. SNS
Acute phase proteins e.g. CRP, fibrinogen
Increased production by the liver
Role is to optimise haemostasis, promote healing and reduce tissue damage
These changes include:
Leukocytosis - granulocyte and lymphocyte proliferation
Hypercoagulability and fibrinolysis - effects of the acute phase proteins
Immunosuppression - from cortisol
Adverse Effects
Whilst some of the effects can be seen to be adaptive from an evolutionary perspective, in modern healthcare, some of the maladaptive aspects are very relevant. These include: